Do not hesitate to call us at 301-246-0236 if you have any questions. All Saturday Registration Forms. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | [en français] Tuition details Calendar Registration Form for Fun-in-French Summer Camp Registration Selection School Year * 2024-25 Please specify the school year for which you are registering. Class Selection * - Select -Parcours adultes - Saturday in-person Please select the Parcours for this student for the 2022/23 School Year to choose the associated tuition and options. Click on the links below for more details. Parcours adultes For Beginner/Intermediary and Intermediary/Advanced Level Students. Parcours adultes : Saturday Classes (2h) = $1155 | Parent Discount for parents of current students: -$100 In-person on Saturdays or online during the week (weekday tbd). For the main academic class (2 hours), do you prefer: * - Select -in-person on Saturday afternoonsin-person on Saturday mornings Preferences are subject to availability. For the in-person class, do you prefer: * - Select -Bethesda, MDFalls Church, VA Preferences are subject to availability. Student Student Title * - Select -Mr.Mrs.Ms. Student First Name * Student Last Name * Has this student previously been enrolled? * - Select -YesNo Please respond yes if the student has previously attended classes or programs at the Saturday School. Current Level of French * - Select -Native Speaker currently on grade level in reading and writingNative Speaker, but currently not on grade levelNear-Native SpeakerHas been exposed to French, but rarely speaks activelySecond LanguageBeginner This is only an approximate self-assessment. We will contact you to discuss further. Are you a parent of (a) currently enrolled student(s)? * - Select -No currently enrolled children1 currently enrolled child2 currently enrolled children3 currently enrolled children4 currently enrolled children5 currently enrolled children T-Shirt Size * - Select -Toddler 2 (unisex)Toddler 3 (unisex)Toddler 4 (unisex)Junior XS (unisex)Junior S (unisex)Junior M (unisex)Junior L (unisex)Junior XL (unisex)Ladies XSLadies SLadies MLadies LLadies XLLadies XXLMen XSMen SMen MMen LMen XLMen XXL Confirmation Terms & Down-Payment * Tuition Down-Payment (per student, for children and adult students) [$180.00] I accept the terms & conditions and to pay the down-payment, which will be fully applied to the tuition balance. THE DOWN-PAYMENT IS NOT REFUNDABLE, except in the cases listed on the tuition page. Payment of the down-payment secures this student's rank in terms of spots and preferences. For payment by credit card a 3% processing fee is passed on in our effort to keep tuition as low as possible. Please check if this student was not enrolled during the previous school year or if you are submitting this form after May 15. Registration Fee Student Registration Fee [$85.00] Registration Fee for the School Year 2022/23. About you Preferred Language of Communication * - Select -FrenchEnglish How did you initially hear about us? * - Select -EU Open HouseParishEmbassy or ConsulateOnline Forum or Message BoardWebsite or Search EngineOtherDCPSSchoolBumper stickerEvent or fairPrivate SchoolMCPSAlliance FrançaiseFCPSFacebookAdvertisementNewsletter or Google GroupNewspaper or Magazine ArticleFriend or ColleagueEU Language FairBy seeing one of the buses Message This field is provided so that you can submit ideas, suggestions, feedback, and/or questions you may have. Your Email Address * Do you currently have a cell phone number in the US? * Yes No US Phone Number * International Phone Number If you currently don't have a US phone number, please enter your international phone number here. Format: "+" "country code" "number without zero at the beginning" After you press "register" you can either register another student or check out once you have registered all students. After receipt of the registration and down-payment, you will be contacted by a team member with more information.