Frequently Asked Questions / Foire Aux Questions

Please find below answers to frequently asked questions in English and in French.

Saturday Classes Calendar - 2024/2025
Children and Adult Classes - All Levels
  • September 14, 21*, 28
  • October 5, 12, 19, 26
  • November 2, 9, 16, 23
  • December 7, 14
  • January 4, 11, 18, 25
  • February 1, 8, 22
  • March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
  • April 5, 26
  • May 3, 10, 17, 31**
  • June 7, (14***)

* start of adult and arts and immersion programs
** end of adult and immersion programs
*** possible make-up date

Tuesday (T) and Wednesdays (W) Midweek Online Lessons Calendar - 2024/2025
(For Classic and Preparatory levels and certain classes only)
  • September T24-W25
  • October T1-W2, T8-W9, T15-W16, T22-W23, T29-W30
  • November T5-W6, T12-W13, T19-W20, T26-W27
  • December T10-W11, T17-W18,
  • January T7-W8, T14-W15, T21-W22, T28-W29
  • February T4-W5, T11-W12, T25-W26
  • March T4-W5, T11-W12, T18-W19, T25-W26,
  • April T1-W2, T22-W23, T29-W30
  • May T6-W7, T13-W14, T20-W21
  • June T3-W4

Bilingual student who do not yet write French are part of the target group of our program and can join our classes at the Preparatory level.

The main objective of My French Classes is to give children who already speak French the means to learn how to write and to reach the same level as the students who are enrolled in French-speaking schools.

The classes are organized by school year.

However, students may be able to join a program during the year on a case-by-case basis, in which case the tuition will be pro-rated.

Saturday Classes Calendar - 2024/2025
Children and Adult Classes - All Levels
  • September 14, 21*, 28
  • October 5, 12, 19, 26
  • November 2, 9, 16, 23
  • December 7, 14, 21
  • January 11, 18, 25
  • February 1, 8, 22
  • March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
  • April 5, 26
  • May 3, 10, 17, 31**
  • June 7, (14***)

* Start of Adult Classes and Immersion Clubs
** End of Adult Classes and Immersion Clubs
*** Snow Day/Storm Day Make-Up Date (if needed)

Tuesday (T) and Wednesdays (W) Midweek Online Lessons Calendar - 2024/2025
(For Classic and Preparatory levels and certain classes only)

  • September T24-W25
  • October T1-W2, T8-W9, T15-W16, T22-W23, T29-W30
  • November T5-W6, T12-W13, T19-W20, T26-W27
  • December T10-W11, T17-W18
  • January T7-W8, T14-W15, T21-W22, T28-W29
  • February T4-W5, T11-W12, T25-W26
  • March T4-W5, T11-W12, T18-W19, T25-W26
  • April T1-W2, T22-W23, T29 -W30
  • May T6-W7, T13-W14, T20-W21
  • June T3-W4

Non. PayPal accepte à la fois les paiements par carte de crédit et les paiements par votre compte PayPal (s'il vous en avez un) sur la page de paiement.

No. For your convenience, PayPal accepts both, a credit card or your PayPal account on the payment page.

DELF Exam for Access to French Educational Institutions

Every student has the possibility to pass the level-appropriate DELF exam at the end of each school year.

The DELF program is administered by the French government and recognized by the European Union and by French-speaking countries.

Students passing a certain DELF level exam, will retain this level for life. Level B2 is required to be admitted to French universities without further language-connected exam or entrance test.

For more information about the DELF program, click here.

DELF summary on Wikipedia.


Annual Report Card and Attendance Certificate

All students will receive an official attendance certificate and a written assessment on the form of an annual report card from their teachers, summarizing the student's progress and learning opportunities.

Oui. Si c'est le cas, nous vous remercions de nous envoyer un court message ici et nous vous enverrons des instructions de paiement personnalisées.

Vous pouvez aussi nous envoyer un chèque à l'ordre de My Bilingual Classes à :

My Bilingual Classes
7510 Nevis Rd
Bethesda, MD 20817

Si vous avez inscrit plus d'un enfant, n'oubliez pas de déduire de ce premier versement la remise familiale correspondante pour vos autres enfants.

Yes. If this is the case, please send us short message here and we will send your personalized payment instructions.

You can program payments and choose payment means and options by following this link.

Alternatively, you can also send a check payable to My French Classes to

My French Classes
PO BOX 612
Glen Echo, MD 20812

If you have registered more than one child, please be sure to deduct the sibling discount(s) from your second enrolled child on.

If you sign up more than one family member, the school offers cumulative discounts for the Academic French Classes from the second child on.

Currently, the annual sibling and family discounts are set as follows on the basis of the number of family members enrolled per school year:
Parcours Débutant & Intermédiaire & Adults & Maternelle

  • 2nd sibling: $100
  • 3rd sibling: $200
  • 4th sibling: $300
  • parent discount for adult classes: $100

Parcours Classique & Préparatoire

For students benefiting from the Annual Academic Tuition Package, sibling discounts are currently set as follows:

  • 2nd sibling: $150
  • 3rd sibling: $300
  • 4th sibling: $450

Les classes du samedi suivent généralement les décisions prises par les autorités du Montgomery County concernant « Community Use of Public Facilities ».

Montgomery County publie ces décisions sur leur site internet et par téléphone au 240-777-2710.

Pendant des conditions dites « emergency », nous mettons régulièrement à jour notre page des Emergency Updates qui se trouve à afin de vous tenir informé.

My French Classes generally follow and apply the decisions made by the Montgomery County authorities regarding Community Uses of Public Facilities.

Montgomery County authorities publish emergency and inclement weather closings on their web page and via the Inclement Weather line of the County (240-777-2710).

During emergency conditions, we frequently update our Emergency Updates page at /emergency to keep you informed.

Les enfants bilingues qui n’écrivent pas encore correctement en français sont invités à participer au programme.

L'un des objectifs des classes du samedi est de donner aux enfants qui pratiquent le français à l'oral les moyens d'apprendre à écrire correctement et d'atteindre ainsi le niveau des enfants du même âge qui sont scolarisés dans des écoles françaises.

Il est préférable d'inscrire votre enfant rapidement afin :

  • de réserver sa place aux classes du samedi,
  • d'augmenter les chances qu'une classe correspondant exactement à son niveau soit créée.

Une classe pour un niveau donné sera mise en place seulement si au moins 8 élèves pour cette classe d'âge spécifique se sont inscrits.

It is best to register your child quickly :

  • to reserve a spot for Saturday classes,
  • to increase the chances that a class corresponding exactly to the level of your child will be created.

A class for a given level will only be set up if at least 8 students for this specific age class have registered.

© 2013-2024 My French Classes Saturday Program, Bethesda, Md.
My French Classes ® is a registered trademark.