New Student Application Form

Please submit one application per student.

A team member will be in touch with you within a few days of receipt of the application.

Do not hesitate to call us at 301-246-0236 if you have any questions.

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Welcome to My French Classes!

The most advanced French After-School program and curriculum in the United States.

Our programs aim to maintain and develop our students' level of French so that they have all options to return to, study or work in a French-speaking environment.

Please fill out one form per student or family member below.

After the form is submitted, a team member will contact you within a few days regarding options and available spots.
Please specify the school year for which you are applying.
Program Interest
Please indicate below which program(s) you are interested in for this student. Spots are subject to availability.
Academic French Classes
About 32 sessions per school year, no school in weeks with certain Holidays (see calendar).
Academic French Classes Preferences
Knowing your preferences helps our team do its best to find the most convenient spot. Subject to availability.
Preferences are subject to availability.
Full French Immersion Clubs
Allows student to do something they are passionate about in French (e.g. Soccer, Dance, Art, Basketball, Chorus). About 30 sessions per school year, no clubs in weeks with certain Holidays (see calendar). The logistics are coordinated with the Academic Saturday French Classes.
Participate in weekly practice sessions in French and in games against the teams of other Language Saturday Schools. About 30 sessions per school year, no clubs in weeks with certain Holidays (see calendar). The logistics are coordinated with the Academic Saturday French Classes.
Background and Objectives
Please respond yes if the student has previously attended classes or programs at the Saturday School.
This is only an approximate self-assessment. We will contact you to discuss further.
Weekday School
IMPORTANT: American Grade level that the student will be in during the selected school year.
Please enter the weekday school that this student will attend during the selected school year.
If you currently don't have a US phone number, please enter your international phone number here. Format: "+" "country code" "number without zero at the beginning"
Applications currently do not require an application fee. Once a fitting spot is found for this student, the registration fee of $85 is due. The registration fee and the annual books & materials fee are not reimbursable once the initial registration is confirmed.
About you
This field is provided so that you can submit ideas, suggestions, feedback, and/or questions you may have.
The full French Immersion Montessori Preschool is located in Bethesda and welcomes students between the ages of 2 and 5.5 years.
If you answer yes, a staff member witll contact you with more information. Adult classes take place at the same time as the Saturday classes for children.
After you press "APPLY" you can apply for another student by following the link on the next page.

© 2013-2024 My French Classes Saturday Program, Bethesda, Md.
My French Classes ® is a registered trademark.