Registration Form

Do not hesitate to call us at (301) 246-0236 if you have any questions.

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Please specify the school year for which you are registering.
The school offers the above Sports, Art & Special Programs taught in French to allow students to operate in a native speaking environment while following an activity that they are passionate about. These programs enhance not only the overall progress, they also decrease the perceived effort and additionally motivate students to be in class and connect with the French language. This selection is not for registration, but only to express your potential interest: you will be invited to register separately.
The school offers the above immersion programs taught in French to allow students to operate in a native speaking environment while following an activity that they are passionate about. These programs enhance not only the overall progress, they also decrease the perceived effort and additionally motivate students to be in class.
Please describe the program that you are looking for. Programs allow students to take high-quality classes in a French immersion environment.
This is only an approximate self-assessment. We will contact you to discuss further.
IMPORTANT: American Grade level that the student will be in during the selected school year.
Please enter the weekday school that this student will attend during the selected school year.
Please respond yes if the student has previously attended classes or programs at the Saturday School.
Specific classes in different locations are subject to availability. Most classes are currently only available on the Bethesda campus.
Priority for the morning vs. afternoon attribution is based on the number of uninterrupted years that a family has had at least one child enrolled. We do our best to accommodate each student's preference, but please don't be disappointed if there is a year where your preference is not available.
If you currently don't have a US phone number, please enter your international phone number here. Format: "+" "country code" "number without zero at the beginning"
I accept the terms & conditions and to pay the down-payment, which will be fully applied to the tuition balance. THE DOWN-PAYMENT IS NOT REFUNDABLE, except in the cases listed on the tuition page. Payment of the down-payment secures this student's rank in terms of spots and preferences. For payment by credit card a 3% processing fee is passed on in our effort to keep tuition as low as possible.
Annual Books & Materials Contribution: this contribution is mandatory and non-reimbursable: It allows the school to order all school books from France in advance before the summer. For enrollments after May there may be delays in receiving the books on the first day of school.
Annual Registration Fee - Please check if this student was not enrolled during the previous school year or if you are submitting this form after May 10.
This field is provided so that you can submit ideas, suggestions, feedback, and/or questions you may have.
After you press "register" you can either register another student or check out once you have registered all students. After receipt of the registration and down-payment, you will be contacted by a team member with more information.

© 2013-2025 My French Classes Saturday Program, Bethesda, Md.
My French Classes ® is a registered trademark.