The objective of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades French programs (our CE2, CM1 and CM2 classes)
The goal of our French classes for these age groups is to help students acquire the knowledge they need to express themselves in French, orally and in writing, in a precise and clear manner.
The curriculum for these grades is based on a well thought-out program of reading and writing, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. A literature program that supports independent reading and writing is also part of the classes.
More details about the curriculum
1 - Improving oral skills in French
The program is organized so that students learn to express more complex points of view and are able to summarize, tell, and explain a reasoning.
Students also improve their memorizing skills and diction in French by learning prose texts and poems.
2 - Reading in French
The study of texts, and in particular of literary texts, aims to develop the capacities of comprehension of French texts and to support autonomous writing in French.
Reading exercises aim to automate word recognition and increase the speed and efficiency of silent reading.
The programs also aim to help understand the meaning of the texts studied.
3. French literature
The literature program aims to give each student a repertoire of references appropriate to his age, drawn from the classical and contemporary youth literature published in French.
4. Writing in French
Students learn writing in French through regular practice and progressive exercices.
Students learn to tell real facts, to describe, to justify an answer, to invent stories, to summarize stories, to write a poem, respecting composition and writing guidelines.
5. Vocabulary in French
The extension and structuring of students' vocabulary is the subject of specific activities.
The discovery, the memorization and the use of new words are accompanied by the study of the relationships of meaning between words.
6. French grammar
The teaching of the grammar is adapted to each grade. It aims to promote understanding of the texts read and heard as well as to improve the expression of our students in French (to ensure its accuracy, correct syntax and spelling).
7. Spelling in French
The program gradually leads through the practice of copying, dictation in all its forms and writing as well as through diverse types of exercises to the automation of correct spelling.